Kitten Diaries Part 4 – Story in pictures

As they are growing, the kittens are giving me a lot of photo opportunities.  So I  decided to ditch the iphone camera and use my DSLR to click some pictures.

The kittens are a pleasure to be with, they are old enough to be on their own now, and perhaps will soon go away. And these photographs will be memories to treasure.

Mishti loves flowers
Mishti loves flowers
Kitten Diaries:  Every piece of furniture is fun to play with.
Every piece of furniture is fun to play with.

Continue reading Kitten Diaries Part 4 – Story in pictures

Kitten Diaries Part -3 -The playful kittens

This kitten diaries update almost did not make it. For several days the kittens were not to be seen. Billu had kept them well hidden and did not even allow me near them. After about a week of no signs of kittens being around, we gave up and thought that they succumbed to nature’s ills. Then suddenly one day Billu led me to the outhouse again and there I met Mishti on the first day, Wookie on the second day and Missy on the third. Billu shows all signs of being a good cat mother, and I am so proud.

The kittens turned 7 week old last Saturday and they are all over the garden now, even when the temperatures rise to 47°C they find places to hide and stay cool. They have started drinking milk that I give Billu and they even eat her food. I give her an egg scrambled along with a bread or a left over roti, with a lot of ghee.
The kittens were away from me for long so they were obviously wary to begin Continue reading Kitten Diaries Part -3 -The playful kittens

21 years

11th May, 1994, it was a Wednesday. I woke up a little early that morning, got quickly dressed in a simple green coloured cotton saree that I  had purchased for the occasion, applied a light foundation and lipstick, slipped into my sandals and I was ready for the most important event of my life. It was my wedding day. I still have the clothes that we wore though there is no way I can fit myself into that blouse and Tarique in his size 38 shirt ever again.

10 AM. I was ready, the household wasn’t. 10.30 AM, I started pacing up and down, I can’t be late, surely not today. But that was not to be. For the appointed time of 11 AM. I reached the district court at 11.45 and guess who was there pacing up and down, somewhat anxious, somewhat angry, wondering how long to wait. He would have left for my place (to check if I was ok) had he not been with his father. “Have patience, such things take time” His father had told him.

Continue reading 21 years

Kitten Diaries Part -2 Mishti, Missy and Wookie

Kittens around the house keep you busy. The mother needs to be fed, the kittens need to be weighed and you just can’t keep yourself from clicking pictures. It was Day 4 and all the kittens wanted to do was sleep.

Kitten Diaries Day 4
Kitten Diaries Day 4. All they do is sleep.

The kittens sleep most of the time and are extremely dependent on their mother to protect, feed, clean and help them excrete waste. They do start being vocal though. The mother tries to keep their mews to a minimum so that they do not attract attention.

Continue reading Kitten Diaries Part -2 Mishti, Missy and Wookie

Kitten Diaries Part 1 – Billu and her mewlings

Bilaoo or Billu for short is my cat who turned one this April. She had adopted me as her human on a rainy evening in July 2014 and has been with me ever since.

Billu the mother cat when she was a kitten (12 weeks old)

A few months back we noticed that she is pregnant. I was not sure if she would carry the pregnancy through as she herself was very young. But she did, and gave birth to three kittens on Saturday, 11th April at about 8.45 PM. It was a cool windy evening and she has been after me to follow her everywhere. She took me around the house and finally after an hour settled in front of my car in a cardboard box which was too small for her. I quickly arranged for a bigger cardboard box and lined it with some newspapers and some soft cloth.

She inspected the box and was in and out of it, certainly in pain and unable to sit at a place she was very restless. Her contractions which were an hour apart early evening, now became frequent and she would get very little rest between them.  She did not allow me to go out of her sight and I kept petting her and reassuring her.

Continue reading Kitten Diaries Part 1 – Billu and her mewlings

Aaj baazar mein pabajaula chalo – Faiz

Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Member of the Order of the British Empire, Nishan-e-Imtiaz, Lenin Peace Prize awardee, was an influential left-wing intellectual, revolutionary poet, and one of the most regarded poets of the Urdu language, being considered four times for the Nobel Prize in poetry. (Source : Wikipedia)

He wrote ‘Aaj baazar mein pa ba jaulan chalo’ in 1959 when he was imprisoned under Ayub Khan’s martial law. He was taken to the Lahore fort’s torture cell passing through the streets of Lahore in a horse driven cart with his fetters on. Here’s the complete Nazm along with meanings.

Aaj baazar mein paa-ba-jaulan chalo (paa-ba-jaulan – shackles on feet, like a prisoner)
Chashm-e-nam, jaan-e-shoreeda kaafi nahin (Chashm-e-nam-saltiness of tears, jaan-e-shoreeda – distressed soul )
Tohmat-e-ishq-e-posheeda baqi nahin (posheeda – hidden)
Aaj baazar mein paa-ba-jaulan chalo
Dast-e-afshaan chalo, mast-o-raqsaan chalo (dast-e-afshaan – swinging hans, mast-o-raqsaan – dancing in trance)
Khaak-bar-sar chalo, khoon-ba-damaan chalo (khaak bar sar – kicking the dust, khoon-ba-daman- blood on sleeves)
Raah takta hai sab shahr-e-janaan chalo (shahar-e-jaana – beloved city)
Aaj baazar mein paa-ba-jaulan chalo
Haakim-e-shahar bhi, majma-e-aam bhi
Teer-e-ilzaam bhi, sang-e-dushnaam bhi (sang-e-dushnam – the stones on road)
Subh-e-nashaad bhi, roz-e-nakaam bhi (roz-e-nakaam -unsucessful day)
Aaj baazar mein paa-ba-jaulan chalo
In ka damsaaz apne siwa kaun hai (damsaaz – friend)
Shahr-e-jaanan mein ab ba-safa kaun hai (ba-safa – sincere)
Dast-e-qaatil ke shaayan raha kaun hai (dast – hand, shaayan – extending)
Rakht-e-dil baandh lo, dil figaaro chalo (dil figara – broken hearted)
Phir hamin qatl ho aayen yaaro chalo.
Aaj baazar mein paa-ba-jaulan chalo

— Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Here’s a rough translation of the Nazm

Stride today in the bazaar despite shackled feet
Salty tears in eyes and a distressed soul is not enough
Accusations of a clandestine love are not enough
Stride today in the bazaar despite shackled feet
Swing your arms, Stride merrily, feet dancing
head and hair covered with dust, clothes stained with blood
Come, your beloved city is waiting for you
Stride today in the bazaar despite shackled feet
Rulers and common people (do if for the rulers and commoners of your beloved city)
(arrows of) slanders and (stones of) insult (so what if you get slanders and insult)
depressing mornings, unsuccessful day (do it despite depressing mornings and unproductive day)
Stride today in bazaar despite shackled feet
Who is there for them if not you?
who in your beloved city can still be trusted?
who is capable of murder?
stop the rhythm of the heart, walk broken hearted
let us be murdered (martyrs), come my friend,
Stride today in the bazaar despite shackled feet

There was a movie called “In Custody” based on a novel by Anita Desai which used Faiz’s ghazals and Nazms. Here’s a video from the movie.

Photo credit: jonycunha / Foter / CC BY-SA

#47 Tummy Fill

Ok, so I may have turned 47 today but I don’t feel it. So what’s new?

The day was a busy one. First Monday of  the month always is. Morning was made with this lovely cartoon sketched by Rohan Chakravarty titled “Tummy Fill” ( A take on Kill Bill, and Lucy Liu who Rohan thinks I resemble). This sketch was Tarique’s birthday gift to me. Swati’s Kitchen is my newest baby. It lists the recipes of food I cook and the site getting a good response.

The plans for this year are set. New things to do, and to boldly go to places where I did not venture earlier 😀 I will enfold them as and when I start working on things.


There was nothing to do, so she just sat and observed people and her imagination took off. The freedom she was experiencing to be herself despite being in a place full of people was liberating. There were no restrictions and no compulsions on her here, so her mind started racing.

She started reflecting on her past and remembered it was an evening like this, she was sitting at a small airport and out of the blue he appeared wearing a Red t-shirt and jeans. She gasped, despite the years the resemblance was uncanny. It can’t be him at this nondescript place she  thought to herself and averted her gaze but had to look up when he came close. It was him. They were more than friends long ago but then had drifted apart and though she did think of him occasionally she never thought she’d meet him in this lifetime. She felt a bit awkward as he approached her and made a direct eye contact.

Hey! He said. Long time!
Long time, indeed, she replied. How have you been?
So far so good, but now that i have seen you, seems like i am in for some good time, he quipped jovially.
Taken aback with this unexpected familiarity he spoke with, she could not say anything but realised that it’s time they heal the broken bonds and get past what had been.

Let’s grab a coffee, he said and took her arm. She flung her jacket on her shoulders and responded warmly to his invitation. He was a close friend of many years, after all. She could not be cold towards him for something that they both were equally responsible for.

She soon felt the bitterness of past dissolve like sugar in coffee, and the sweetness of an old comfortable relationship filled her. They talked like they always did, as if all these years of not being in touch were just few moments of being apart from each other. She soon felt the same attraction towards him growing in her and tried curb the feelings. He, realising something amiss asked her and she could not lie.

“I am drawn towards you like a moth to a flame” She said in her usual poetic style.

Don’t bother to stop yourself from what you are feeling, darling. He said. We have come a long way and after all these years, perhaps grown wiser than what we were. So they both let go and talked passionately about things that were left unsaid for the longest time. Both of them felt the warmth engulfing them all over again.  The bond once broken strengthened and they departed for their destinations promising to stay in touch for the rest of their lives.

They kept their promise and met often. Spending nights together, stealing moments out of their busy schedule sometimes in his city, sometime at hers and at times they could even spend their holidays together. Neither spoke of moving in together, but their relationship was special and they cherished and preserved it. Till one such time that he did not turn up at the appointed place a couple of years back. She inquired, and rushed to his bedside.

She went back home after he recovered , and they continued meeting each other through out their lives At least whatever of it had remained.

Today she was leaving for a hospice facility. He had departed a year back.

“It’s my turn now” she thought just as the flight was announced. Someone pushed her wheelchair towards the boarding gate.

Photo by kevin dooley

The two of us

Its dawn. The sky is beginning to turn pink with hope and I am looking towards the dissolving stars. Soon, I know, soon there will be light and I will see you. For now, I am content with feeling the curves of your body with my hands and feeling your warm breath on my face. The sweet fragrance that I inhale when you are around intoxicates me. The words you utter sound like music to me and I picture you in my mind. You are perfect, and if there is anything more I want it’s a glimpse of you.

I step a few paces away from you so that I can see you completely, from head to toe. I want to bask in that sight, I want to remember it forever. I have waited for this day since a very long time and finally I know that day has come. I can almost hear the music I’ll play for you, see the picture I will click of both of us together and the places I will go with you. I have lived my life just for this one moment. The moment of truth. To whisper sweet nothings to you, and hear them from you. I have spoken with you so many times, almost daily, sometimes for hours together. Today I have decided I will meet you.

I dip my feet in the cool waters of the lake and I feel your presence. I am waiting for the first rays of sun. I want to see the rays touch your face before they touch anything else.

“Are you ready” I say.

“I am just a voice in your head” I don’t exist. I am just your reflection. I am your dream, let me be within you” You reply.

The two of us get up and leave quietly.

Photo credit: Chris Paul 2014 via / CC BY


I am running. I want to go back but I can not. I can not turn back, there is nothing for me there. I feel a surge of fear taking a grip on me as I look at the street which is devoid of people. Not even a soul here. I have no place to go, no body to turn to. Scared I start to run and hit a big boulder on the middle of the road. I take a hit on my head. Its bleeding, blood running down my temples, I lick my lips and find them salty, I try to spit but my mouth is dry. Water. I must have some water. I keep running and looking around. All the doors are closed. The ones that are open have no one inside.

No choice, I say to my self, run or they will get you as they got others. I have lost the cloth piece I used as a shawl to protect myself, I am sweating and yet a shiver runs down my spine.

Finally I dare to look behind and slow down with relief. I think I can rest a while.

Water, I must have some water.  I look around once again and find a dog licking something from a discarded utensil.  It’s a bowl with some liquid. I shoo away the dog and try to lift the bowl.  My hands are shaking, they start to give up. The bowl seems heavy but I lift it nevertheless and gulp down few precious mouthfuls of water that it had. The dog starts to whimper and I run my hand over its head. The dog doesn’t bite me, wags its tail instead.  At least the dog understands what civilized human beings have forgotten.

The events that happen a few hours back run through my mind again… fire, stones, people shouting slogans, slogans against and slogans for something, some sect, some religion.. I don’t understand any of it. Suddenly a stone hits my window and I go hide beneath the desk. There is no one at home. I am all alone, like I always am at this hour in the night. Father has to go and work the night shift to get money for the bread. I have done my share of working during the day. Tired and hungry I am waiting for him. Suddenly a burning cloth hits my home. The thatched roof starts burning, acrid smoke fills my tiny hut and I have no choice but to get out.

As I step out of my home, I hear people shouting, “there, there he is. Kill him like we killed his father” “No, burn him” “He does not belong here” “Hey you, go back to where you come from” someone says. I try to reply “but I live here, I was born in this hut” They don’t listen. My words don’t reach them at all. The crowd is getting bigger, scarier. I see someone. He is my friend’s father. I know him. A hope fills my heart but then I notice that his eyes are red. “Is he drunk?” I wonder.

I consider telling him that I know his son, we play together. But there is no time for that. I see them coming closer with knives and stones. Some have axes in their hands. I sense they really want to kill me so I run. I am tiny and can go beneath the carts and I can run faster than most of them. I run hard and manage to escape.

It’s been twenty days since this happened. I don’t know what happened to my father. I had escaped and managed to get out of the locality where I lived with my father and others in a small cluster of hutments. That night I had taken shelter beneath a tree and had met a boy. His name was Chiru and he was almost my age.

Chiru had taken me in that night. He was scared and lonely too. We went to his hut and he shared half his food with me. I learnt that he lives alone too. His father, was killed a week before I met him when some people from the other locality attacked theirs. I feel  his pain.  The people who attacked Chiru’s father were from my locality and I feel guilty for the crime they committed.Photo by Black Scratchy Lines