I am the number 2 I am friendly _ |
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I am the number 2 I am friendly _ |
this quiz by orsa
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Quotes from a Health site
stumbled upon this one on searching for nutritional information on Mangoes (I love mangoes)
“You never Supplement a bad diet, you Correct a bad diet.”
“You can only do good when you feel good.”
“You don’t Pay the price for Health, you Enjoy the benefits!”
“Growing old doesn’t make us sick, it’s growing sick that makes us old!”
“It’s not how old you are that counts, but how old you’re going to get that really counts!”
Everytime I hear sufi music sung, it has a soothing affect on me. The simple yet truthful poetry about love touches me immensely.
Am listening to Rashid Khan singing Amir Khusro and Raaz Barelvi in Naina Piya Se right now and all my stress seems to have vanished
Naina more tuk raah takat hai
aiho aiho kab tum baalam
birha ki ratiyan kaise katen ab
garwa lagio kab tum baalam
preet mein tori yeah rat bhai hai
sudh budh birsri dekho murari
aas mori ab tum he se laagi
poori kariho kab tum baalam
Many poets have described Tajmahal as a monument of love, have sung praises about its enchanting beauty and grandeur. People across the world see Tajmahal as a symbol of eternal love
Shaqueel Badayuni wrote:
EK Shahenshah ne banwake hasin taj mahal sari dunia ko muhabbat ki nishani de di
(An emperor buit Taj Mahal and gave the world an eternal symbol of love)
But here is a verse with a contrary view – the poet says “In building the Taj Mahal, an emperor has made a mockery of the love of all the poor lovers of the world”
Taj tere liye ek mazar-e-ulfat hi sahi
tujhko is vaadi-e-rangi.n se aqidat hi sahi
meri mehboob kahi.n aur mila kar mujhse
bazm-e-shaahi me garibo.n ka gujar kya maani.
Naqsh jis raah pe ho.n satvat-e-shaahi ke nishaa.n
us pe ulfat bhari rooho.n ka safar kya maani
Ye chamanzar, ye Jamna ka Kinara, ye mahal
Ye munaqqash dar – o – deewar, Ye mehrab, ye taq,
Ek Shahenshah ne daulat Ka sahara le kar,
Hum gharibon ki muhabbat, Ka Udaya hai mazaq
Mere Mehboob Kahin aur Mila Kar Mujhse.
(Sahir Ludhianvi)
I have tried to translate the verse here though, I must say, it is far more poetic when read in Urdu.
The poet urges his sweetheart that they meet at some other place – not Tajmahal.
(I agree) Tajmahal is the monument of love for you,
you have (a lovers) faith in its beautiful gardens (you believe our love will blossom here)
but my love, meet me elsewhere – not here.
In the congregation of royals, the impoverished have no meaning
Of what meaning is the lives of impoverished to the congregation of royals?
The road which is marked with the signs of imperial cruelty
the travails of lovers soul have no meaning
These gardens, the bank of river Jamuna, this palace
these intricate carvings on the doors, walls, arches and alcoves
An emperor, on crutches of wealth
has ridiculed the love of us commoners.
My love, meet me some other place (not here)
It is strange… tests show things inside me are normal, yet i dont feel normal I dont feel healthy.
In any case, since nothing major seems to be wrong with me, I have decided to give it a good fight. I intend to be back to my two and half hour excersise routine tomorrow onwards- Hopefully a rush of adrenalin will also take away my depression.
And then if nothing helps – well atleast i will have the satisfaction that I tried my best !!
I wonder how many women out there live with more than 50% symptoms listed here (without consulting a doctor)
checklist here Feedbacks anyone?
Yeh raat beet jayegi, sawera ayega
apna dil bhee kanhi basera payega
Khushk labon pe phir nami chaa jayegi
pyar ka dariya dil tar batar kar jayega
Sawan ke baadal jhoom jhoom phir barsenge
palak palak, phool phool phir moti dhalkenge
phir deep jalenge aangan me, chaand sitare chamkenge
phir dil dulhan ban jaega, phir naya sawera aayega
(June 16, 1998)
Song of the moment:
Aa bhi jaa Aa bhee ja
Aye subah aa bhi ja
Raat ko kar vida
Dilrubaa aa bhi ja!!!!