वही ताजमहल

मेरा भी ताजमहल

अाहट हुयी
हौले-हौले कदमों की
दिल की हर तह में उतरती चली गयी
एक नशा सा छा गया
वास्तविकता से स्वपन की दूरी
कम हो चली
लगा, हर पल चाँदनी से सुसज्जित है
चमकते, दमकते ये पल
मेरी स्वपननगरी ने अाज फिर
एक नये ताजमहल का निर्माण किया
श्वेत, शुद्ध, पाकीज़ा
मेरा अपना महल -ताजमहल

कदमों की अाहट न जाने कैसे
इतने पास अा गयी अचानक
स्वर तीव्र हो गये,
अाहट, अाहट न रही
एक धमाका बन गयी
ख्वाब मेरे टूट गये
वास्तविकता के ताने बाने
रेशमी ज़ंजीर बन गये
छा गयी फिर काले बादलों की िसयाही
मेरे स्वपन निर्मित ताजमहल पर
दरक गया ताजमहल,
टूट गया मेरा ताजमहल

Kalidas Festival 2011

After many years Tarique and I  attended  Kalidas Festival this year and not just for our love of music. For the first time, Arayan Wachan (literally translates to watching the jungles) and Parasailing were organized as a part of the festival at Ramtek on 28th February (about 40kms from Nagpur) by Amol Khante of CAC … Continue reading Kalidas Festival 2011

I Want! by Zarina Sani

The boon of youth is a life of immense and infinite possibilities ahead. The bane of old age is that you are left with just the satisfaction or regret of a life well lived or not so well lived.  The old age satisfaction of a life well led cannot  rival the excitement of what lies … Continue reading I Want! by Zarina Sani

तुम अपनी करनी कर गुज़रो

Very few poets move me as much as Faiz Ahmed Faiz does. His poetry pierces my heart, bleeds it and then heals it and inspires it. What can I say more.. I keep searching for words to describe my emotions, my feelings and then all I have to do is open a book and read … Continue reading तुम अपनी करनी कर गुज़रो

On Love

This piece is about the most written about subject in the history of mankind – LOVE. And its not about platonic love either – its about man-woman love ( sorry, in modern times, LGBT love also). Half the literature and art world is devoted to love, the other half , thankfully, is sane! The moot … Continue reading On Love

मेरा नया बचपन

This one is for Maneesh, my oldest friend who is right now 5000 Kms. away from his family and daughters, and is missing them. Posting this on my blog instead of sending it to him on email (as he had asked me to) because I love this poem as much as he does, and because … Continue reading मेरा नया बचपन

The General

( Disclaimer :Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely co incidental) Anti corruption drive is the rage of the season. Media is going ballistic over errant ministers and bureaucrats while the common man derives voyeuristic pleasure at the discomfiture of hitherto untouchables’ thereby increasing TRPs of the channel.  In saner and sober … Continue reading The General

And in the end..

We depart for Bangalore tomorrow to attend FOSS.IN and as I was finishing  to pack  a wave of sadness overcame me.  This is the last time I will be packing to go for FOSS.IN, an event which, since past 10 years has been a part of our annual trip to Bangalore – a pilgrimage of … Continue reading And in the end..