A page from my past

dawn to dusk
I wait patiently
for you
your call,
a message from you
perhaps, a letter?

dark to light
I try to dream
you beside me
your touch,
soft caress
perhaps, a kiss?

At least
your thoughts
I find always,
always close by
but still I long
for you, and
perhaps your love?

“a page from my past” Original poem dated : 20th February, 1990.

Of memories and moments

She had met him that evening, and chatted for hours that just did not seem long enough. They dug out memories, laughed at silly and goofy things they did and those that they could but did not. Amused at the flush of youth that engulfed them, they became teenagers once again.

She caught herself unawares that night, thinking of the time long past… a time when no care in the world existed, nor mattered except the matters of the heart. The time when she fell in love for the first time. The time when she was touched tenderly, kissed for the very first time, and caressed lovingly. The moments that were frozen in time.

And then she looked by her side, towards the love of her life, her best friend, her lover and her biggest strength. Somehow things did not feel out-of-place.. the moments then and the moments now kind of existed in congruence. Both men were by her side at different times and both made her more beautiful, made her the woman she was, and she is. She silently thanked both of them for being the people they are. One a dear friend, and another her soul mate.

Don’t say goodbye

Atul Chitnis
Atul Chitnis.
20th Feb 1962 – 3rd June 2013

My friend,
today you are
in a better place
where pain
does not exist,
and I see you

Your body has left us
but your love,
the bond we shared
lives within me
and within
everyone you loved
so dearly.

When I look
at the rainbow
I reach you
as you watch
the sun rise
from your hidden

I talk to you
at night
when the stars shine.
The flowers
in my garden
and, yours

I will miss you
but I know
whenever I want
to talk you will
reach out to me
through the words
you’ve left behind.

My friend,
you are in my heart
while I am alive,
and you will
continue to live
in my heart
even when I cease to.


अब न रहा वो साज़ जो सात सुर बजायेगा
टूट के निकलते हैं अल्फाज़ जुबाँ से
मीठी बातों से अब ये दिल न बहल पायेगा
पुराने किस्सों की मत करो बातें मुझसे
दर्द जो छिपा रक्खा था, फिर उभर आयेगा
मत दोहराओ चाँद के, तारों का किस्से
जख्म अभी सूखा नहीं है; छेड़ोगे तो तड़प जायेगा
इस वीराने में कौन रहता है, क्यूँ रहता है
किसे पड़ी है, कोई क्यूँ यहाँ आयेगा


अब तो कोई आयेगा

घर की देवढी पर बैठी मैं
कजरारे नैनों से ताकूं
सारे रस्ते सगरी बस्ती
सब सोते हैं, बस मैं जागूँ

भोर भये मैं देखूँ सूरज
शाम ढले मैं तारे बांचूँ
क्या आओगे आप सवेरे
या शाम चंदा के संग
आँचल थामे ये बाट निहारूँ

सूने आँगन धूप खिली फिर
फूल सजे बगिया में मेरी
छत पर बैठा कागा बोले
अब तो कोई आयेगा…



घर की देहरी पर बैठी मैं
कजरारे नैनों से ताकूं
सारे रस्ते सगरी बस्ती
सब सोते हैं, बस मैं जागूँ

सारे रस्ते सगरी बस्ती
सब सोते हैं, बस मैं जागूँ
भोर भये मैं देखूँ सूरज
या शाम चंदा के संग
आँचल थामे ये बाट निहारूँ
सारे रस्ते सगरी बस्ती
सब सोते हैं, बस मैं जागूँ
सूने आँगन धूप खिली फिर
फूल सजे बगिया में मेरी
सारे रस्ते सगरी बस्ती
सब सोते हैं, बस मैं जागूँ
सारे रस्ते सगरी बस्ती
सब सोते हैं, बस मैं जागूँ


Photo by Tarique Sani

15 years of motherhood

One of the best thing that has happened to me has been motherhood. I so vividly remember the day Aasim was born, it seems it all happend just yesterday. As a child came to us with clever one liners and sometimes very weird questions  (he still does sometimes) and some of the things that he said and did I have documented in my journal. It has been 15 years and our son has been the best any parent could hope for. May you get happiness


The year was 1991, early June. We wanted to feel alive, what better way than go hang-gliding? He would pick me up at 4.30 AM and we would ride on his bike to the outskirts of the city to this adventure camp where we learnt hang-gliding. Years have passed us by but every time I think of those days, I still get goose pimples – and hang gliding was just one of the things we did.



to touch the clouds
feel the deep blue sky.
and find the world beneath
and discover
the power of wings:
Your Wings!!
to tame the wild wind
feel the power
and be one!!

नील कमल

नील कमल

वो बूंद जो
बादलों में खेलती थी
आज तपती धरा की आग़ोश में
समाने को बेचैन हो उठी
पर फिर जब नील कमल
को इठलाते देखा
तो उसी की हो चली
डूब गयी
खो गयी
सो गयी

— स्वाति

एक ग़ज़ल

छोटी सी इक रात की ये मुख्तसर मुलाक़ात
सितारे बिखरें हैं ज़मीं पे, मेरे घर में है काइनात

रेशम के दुपट्टे से उसने यूँ लपेटे उँगलियों के तार
किसी पुराने आशिक से मानों आज है मुलाक़ात

रोज़ ही मिला करते थे जब मुफलिसी के दिन थे
अब अच्छा वक्त है दोस्तों मग़र मस्रूफ दिन-रात

बड़ी बेतकल्लुफी से रहते थे कभी वो दिल में मेरे
हाल-ए-दिल पूछते हैं अब ये कैसे हो गये हालात

अपने दामन को समेटे रखने की आदत थी जिन्हें
सारे मोहल्ले में बाँटते फिरते है आज वो ख़ैरात

— स्वाति