40 and more

Earlier this week, I stepped into my 40s and it does not feel any different from 30s – I guess its all a hype, which my older friends create to make me feel old 🙂

Aasim was thrilled that day because I baked pizzas for him and we had nice cherry tomoato, Parmesan and herbs pasta to go with it. DVDs dominated the 40th birthday – Tarique gave me The Lord Of The Rings – The Trilogy (12 DVD Collector’s Extended Edition Pack). It’s got Behind-the-scenes footage during filming, storyboards, test footages, CG demos and much more which i absolutely love to see, (film making was once my passion).

Mom bought for me the Gone with the Wind DVD set -Clarke Gable as Rhett Butler is as irresistible to me as he was to Scarlett O Hara.

Evening was a nice drive around the lake, followed by a simple Chinese chicken fried rice and the Filmfare awards. Couldn’t have asked for more… I am a woman of simple needs 😉

15 thoughts on “40 and more”

  1. Belated birthday wishes. Was AFK for a long while. If there’s anything I could gift you, it would be a jar… to put all those extra apostrophes in 😀 <g, d & r>

  2. A belated happy birthday. I hope I receive such nice presents when i turn 40 (not very far into the future). That LoTR box set sounds sweet.

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