Stardate 315770.599695586, reporting from Bangalore, Its the first manager’s meet for FOSS.IN 2007, slated around the end of the year.
Things started earlier this year and we expect it things to finalise earlier for the FOSS.IN/2007.
Stay tuned for more details
One unsolicited suggestion, since “non-free” tools had been used to create the logo last time, why not get the logo done by a “professional” artist, logo looks very cool on screen but not on print… it would be cool if the same person can create a different logo that looks decent enough when printed.
Apart from this being fairly bigoted, may I know what exactly makes you believe that the logo was created using non-free tools?
I suspect that you are working with third-hand (“I heard from someone who heard from someone….”) knowledge, and are mixing up two things that are completely unrelated, like posters and logos.
BTW – I notice that you posted your anonymous post using a PC that has a non-free BIOS. The firmware of your hard disk also appears to be closed source.
May be you are confusing logo with linux-bangalore logo… and all foss people know that paying for something* does not necessarily make it better
* words have a precise meaning most of the times
To chitnis and you, I am not being fanatic about tools used to create it.
I am only asking you to have a better logo, that looks nice in those big banners and boards… even the newspapers and mags had botched up while printing it.
Thanks we will keep that in mind
Please write your name. I ususally delete anon comments.
We actually *did* modify the logo for FOSS.IN/2006 to be more print friendly.
I use the original logo (with the cloth flags) for our Team FOSS.IN logo for sentimental reasons, but the actual event logo is a version that is more simplified (solid triangles instead of cloth) and easier to print (no shades, only solid colours).
And just to put the conspiracy theory to rest – the logo was created using InkScape. The early versions of the 2005 *posters* were created using CorelDraw (this is what you had heard about), and there was nothing wrong with that. What was wrong was people criticizing this fact, while not coming up with better posters created using free tools.
BTW, Linux-Bangalore 2003 logo was awesome… however may it have been created.
The Linux Bangalore logo was created using Gimp, by taking a stock image of a globe from a commercial clipart collection and placing Tux and some Gimp-plugin-created text on top of it.
And it was a complete nightmare to print.
All this was before Hari took over graphics and visuals in the team.
I understand that you pursued your masters from the Indian Institute of Mass Comm! That’s GREAT for me because that’s one of my options for PG,next year. I’m a second year sociology student from chennai.
I want some inputs on the course content,faculty,placements,infra structure and the rest. And also, the entrance tests and interviews!!
My top option is Symbiosis Institute of Mass Comm-so how would you compare IIMC vis-a-vis SIMC?
Thank you so much,and awfully sorry for the bother!
IIMC was the best when I did my PG in Advt and PR from there in 1988-89. The faculty has since changed, but I am have heard that faculty as well as the facilities are still good.
I am not the right person to compare IIMS with SIMC, you will find me siding with IIMC for obvious reasons