A kid who never threw a tantrum behaving in such a manner can be very very worry-some.
My first reaction was that of amusement when i saw him with chopped hair, but Tarique felt angry… and then I too was angry. He got scolded – I felt he did it because I denied him the new binoculars fearing he will break them and gave him the old ones.
Second time it happened yesterday, I talked with him gently – he told me he was feeling very bad so he did it… I had denied him the Cartoon TV He had been watching too (3-4 hrs) much of it. I told him to do something creative, make a greeting card or something – which he made and made very well.
Today again, he wet his shorts while skating – I had asked Dinesh to stay back instead of going skating with aasim, since there was work for him in the office.
I see a pattern – wonder if its my own figment of imagination, but I feel its his way of defiance, his way of rebelling, or a kind of tantrum.
On asking, he does not say that he did all that because he was denied something. If it was that, it would be easy for me to explain to him… now i dont know how to handle
But to begin with, both of us have started spending much more time with Aasim. Lets hope it helps.
In school, all his teachers always tell me that he is a very well behaved child, very mature and obedient. But they also tell me (and we feel it too) that he lacks self confidence.
As the child grows, bringing him up becomes more and more challenging, and so involving, The ways Aasim is, i wonder what will happen when he steps in to his teens!
Just the factor of being alert to it is a big plus. Also… that you have time to spend with him.. and do that.. its definitely not easy being responsible for a human being.
Thanks for the reassurance Jessie 🙂
This userpic of yours is the best (yes, I am biased 😉 I love mermaids I would like to be one, only if Moragana can make me into one!