हिन्दी, देवनागिरी में लिखे हुए काफी वक्त बीत गया अव्वल तो लिखना सोच सोच कर पडता है उपर से यह टायपिंग मुशकिल – बहुत समय लगेगा स्पीड अााने में. मगर बोलनागिरी कीबोर्ड लेअाउट (http://www.indlinux.org/doc/bolnagri.html) की वजह से काम काफी हद तक अासान हो गया है. (धन्यवाद करुणाकर) उम्मीद है अब लिखाई होगी.
Month: January 2006
Finally managed to get Unicode devnagari working on my machine. Many thanks to all those who helped. Now to start learning typing in Hindi 🙂
हम होंगॆं कामयाब
होंगॆं कामयाब एक दिन
Opens all the windows and jumps out!!!
What a shame this is such a poor copy of Linux Can!
Go Phenom!! you are the best!!
Mera kya hai
Found this on http://manaskriti.com/kaavyaalaya/ – a site that I went to after a long time.
I am looking for unicode devnagari fonts without any luck so far….
The year that went by
The year that went by, went by too soon… I am still a little dazed, a little overworked and a lot sleepy, but I loved it.