हिन्दी, देवनागिरी में लिखे हुए काफी वक्त बीत गया अव्वल तो लिखना सोच सोच कर पडता है उपर से यह टायपिंग मुशकिल – बहुत समय लगेगा स्पीड अााने में. मगर बोलनागिरी कीबोर्ड लेअाउट (http://www.indlinux.org/doc/bolnagri.html) की वजह से काम काफी हद तक अासान हो गया है. (धन्यवाद करुणाकर) उम्मीद है अब लिखाई होगी.
Month: January 2006
Finally managed to get Unicode devnagari working on my machine. Many thanks to all those who helped. Now to start learning typing in Hindi
हम होंगॆं कामयाब
होंगॆं कामयाब एक दिन
Opens all the windows and jumps out!!!
What a shame this is such a poor copy of Linux Can!
Go Phenom!! you are the best!!
Mera kya hai
Found this on http://manaskriti.com/kaavyaalaya/ – a site that I went to after a long time.
I am looking for unicode devnagari fonts without any luck so far….
The year that went by
The year that went by, went by too soon… I am still a little dazed, a little overworked and a lot sleepy, but I loved it.