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A Sher A Day
Your source for daily Urdu shayari
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September 2016
Bana kar faqiroN ka ham bhes Ghalib
JudaiyoN ke tasawuur hi se rulauN use
BhooleN hain rafta rafta unheN muddatoN mein ham
GirheN padi hain kis tarah, ye baat hai kuch is tarah
Har saal zard phooloN ka ek qafila ruka
Mumkina faisloN mein ek hijr ka faisla bhee tha
Faqat nabz se haal zahir na hoga
Partav-e-khur se hai shabnam ko fana ki taaleem
Khayal-e-yaar kabhe zikr-e-yaar karte rahe