1st May 1998

I will be six months old on 5th May now I can turn over, I like TO look at my self in tHe mirror, Ma says that I turn over soooo fast that some day I will fall off the bed - What is fall off the bed? I can also sit without support for some time, the photo Next was taken by Ma when I was watching MTV with PaPa, Ma doesn't like it when we just sit and watch TV says we get in her way!

My First tooth erupted ABout 10 days ago! PaPa noticed it while feeding me. I was feeling something for quite some time and it use to bug me and I would cry, Ma and Papa would be puzzled?

EvEn though I can sit without support PaPa is afraid that I will topple over so he always keeps his hand behind mY back. At TiMes i deleberately let go and let PApa catch me.






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or Your pregnancy / children related medical queries to Dr Tarique Sani